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Authorware 5 Attain Edition
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Other Editions Also Available for Authorware 2.1, 3.x, and 4.x


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(includes unpackaged copies of all the book's project files)

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Table of Contents

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I have written a book on how to construct interactive learning environments using Authorware. The book uses the "project-based approach" -- the reader is shown how to build, from scratch, working prototypes of simple simulations and games. Each chapter provides step-by-step instructions on how to construct a fun, simple, yet fully-functional project in one or two sittings. For example, one chapter shows how to make a simulation about Newton's laws of motion, called Space Shuttle Commander.

This text is meant for people who are just beginning to learn Authorware but want to take full advantage of the interactive potential of computers. It is applicable for use in graduate and undergraduate courses, high school multimedia classes, and home study. It relies heavily on the use of Authorware's variables and functions. It also takes full advantage of the ability to construct "data-driven" animation based on user input -- ideas that are at the heart of the best computer simulations and games. The book is based on sample demonstrations I have developed over the past 12 years while teaching courses on CAI design and development while using Authorware as my main authoring tool. The book also shows how to construct features such as letting the user "walk through" a Quicktime movie by "clicking and holding" on different screen areas to move forward and backward and the ever popular (and important) option of letting the user turn the software's sound on and off! The book also has in-depth appendices covering topics such as Shockwave and cross-platform compatibility. The book is also sprinkled with my own light-hearted commentary on interactive design.

Three editions of the book are available -- one exclusively for Authorware 5 Attain, one exclusively for Authorware 4.0, and another for versions 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5. All three editions are being distributed via the world wide web using the Portable Document Format (PDF) and viewable/printable with Acrobat Reader (available free of charge from Adobe).

If you want to know more right now, click here for instructions on downloading the book's Preface. This is a good way to learn more about the book and also to learn more about the PDF file format. (Both the Preface and Acrobat Reader software are available at no charge.)

You don't have a copy of Authorware? Go to the Macromedia web site and download a trial version of Authorware 5 Attain for Windows. This trial version gives you access to most of Authorware's features for a period of 45 days. You can do all of the book's projects with this trial version. This is an excellent way to explore Authorware quickly to see if it is worth the investment for you or your school or company.

Page last updated December 8, 2002.